Holding the hand of an elderly person

Affordable, Professional &
Effective In-Home CARE

Elderly Man and Caregiver

Care, Compassion
& Companionship

Elderly woman and caregiver

Our Family Supporting
Your Family

We’re here to ANCHOR your family.

Home health care worker and an elderly couple


ANCHOR HomeSupport brings affordable, professional and loving in-home CARE to those with health concerns, including seniors and persons with debilitating circumstances. We bring non-medical caregivers into the HOME allowing our clients and their families to feel secure and confident.

Young woman hugging older woman


We listen to our clients and their families, encouraging them to feel a part of our team. Our commitment to comfort is a necessary component of our whole process: assessment, communication, and compassion give peace of mind and allow loved ones to stay in the place where they’re most comfortable…HOME.

Elderly woman with caregiver


ANCHOR HomeSupport strives to find the most compatible caregiver and arrange a specialized plan of action based on client needs. We SUPPORT the clients with assistance and help them maintain independent functionality.

How We Work

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Our Process

Communicate client desires through an initial phone/email connection. Schedule a free ANCHOR Home Consultation to discuss wants and needs in detail.

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Our Caregivers

Caregivers are screened, interviewed and become ANCHOR Team Members. We take pride in connecting our team as part of your family’s solution.

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Ongoing Support

When placing a caregiver in someone’s home, communication is key. Family members, caregivers, and professionals are each an integral link in making a successful transition.

Lara and Erin

Meet Lara & Erin

We are sisters on a mission.

Our mission is accomplished knowing ANCHOR brings you into our family of care, compassion, and companionship…with respect and dignity.


What People Are Saying

“Thank you to ANCHOR. The ladies are wonderful, provide genuine care and professional thoroughness. If it wasn’t for the caregivers, our aunt would not be able to live at home.”


“The ANCHOR HomeSupport Team is responsive and listens to every question we might have regarding care for our aging parents. It has been difficult to recognize we need help, but working with ANCHOR has given us peace of mind. They are an extension of our family and I am so happy we found them!”


“Thank you so much for your support and understanding. It’s a pleasure to work with you. You treat caregivers with a respect I’ve never seen anywhere else.”


“I can’t think of a better business for two of the most caring women I have ever met! Thank you so much for all of your love and support!”
